Thursday, September 4, 2008

Week 2

Your first assignments due for September 8th and 9th are....

Part 1
Find 8 websites to discuss in class. They can be good or bad, big or small, Flash or HTML, whatever. They do not need to be art related. Basically we just need to start talking about sites like we do about photos or paintings so that we will have an easier making decisions about our own  sites.

Part 2
Bring examples of your work to class. This is not a crit! I don't get to see your work very often because I'm usually down in the Foundation Lab. So this will be a way to get to know each other through our work. We will also start to see that some work looks better on white web pages or black web pages or in Flash sites or HTML sites. 

Both assignments are meant to start taking the mystery out of making a website.